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  • Akio TANAKA

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP Document
    From March 11 to March 15

    Written by TANAKA Akio
    At April 10, 11:30 p.m.
    Document data gathered by Asahi Shinbun Newspaper and The Daily Mainichi.

    [March 11]
    2:46 p.m.
    The earthquake occurred.
    At Fukushima -daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP, the No.1, No.2 and No.3 machines that were working are automatically stopped by recognizing the quake.
    3:30 p.m.
    The first press conference of Nuclear Power safety and security Institute, NPSSI, opened. The summary is what there is no influence in monitoring most . Cooling down operation is working good.
    4:00 p.m.
    NPSSI told that all the power sources did not work at No.1~No.5 machines of FNPP in 3:42 p.m.
    10:00 p.m.
    Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, opened the press conference. The saying is " No. 2 machine's working situation is unknown. Water level of the reactor cannot be confirmed."
    [March 12]
    0:15 a.m.
    TEPCO declared told that the shed container's pressure of No. 1 machine increased the 1.5 times of planned supposition.
    6:00 a.m.
    NPSSI declared that in the central control rooms of No.1 and No.2 machines, radiation is observed 150 microSv / h、that is 1,000 times of the ordinary value.
    10:17 a.m.
    The ventilation of No. 1 machine began.
    3:36 p.m.
    The hydrogen explosion occurred at No. 1 machine.
    8:20 p.m.
    No. 1 machine began to inject the sea water.

    [March 13]
    8:41 a.m.
    No3 machine begun to ventilation.
    No.2 machine begun to ventilation.

    [March 14]
    11:00 a.m.
    No.3 machine exploded. The upper part of the building was destroyed.
    4:34 p.m.
    In No. 2 machine, the sea water is entered
    The level of the water in the reactor was not recovered.

    [March 15]
    6:00 a.m.
    At No.4 machine, the explosion sound was heard. The place was estimated at the ever-used nuclear pool.
    At No.2 machine, the explosion sound was heard.There was the possibility of the damage of press control room.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP Report
    April 12, 2011, 6:00p.m. Japan Standard Time, JST
    Written by TANAKA Akio

    1) Today, Japan government declared that Fukushima-daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident is Level 7 by the standard of INES.
    2) Accumulated radiation dose became dangerous to human beings at the outskirts of FNPP.
    3) By the after shock of yesterday, April 11, 5:16 p.m. JST, at th FNPP, the outer power sources of No. 1 and No. 2 machines stopped and all the temporary pumps stopped.For the sake, water injection work of cooling down the reactors cannot work in 50 minutes.

    1) Total value of radioactive substances are estimated to 370, 000 tera Bq till April 5,declared by Nuclear Power safety and security Institute. Nuclear Safety committee's estimation is 630, 000 teraBq.
    Chernobyl' accident, 1986, is estimated to 5,200,000 teraBq.
    2) Chernobyl' accident settled the situation in about 10 days. FNPP's accident is now continued and the end of the recovery cannot be seen. Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, declared today that The FNPP's accident seems to be equivalent or will become over the accident of Chernobyl.
    3) By the continuation of the FNPP's accident, the accumulated radiation dose is adding following the days.
    The period from March 23 to April 11, 20days' total radiation dose is the below.
    Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture 15.1 milliSv
    Iitate Village , Fukushima Prefecture 8.8 milliSv
    Legal limited value of total radiation dose is 1milliSv per year.
    (Referential value: The accumulated radiation dose of Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo is 0.06 milliSv from March 15 to April 11, 28 days.)
    4) Japan government is now thinking of the enlargement of the refugee area by the increase of the accumulated radiation dose.
    The most dangerous area is now estimated to Akogikunugidaira, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture.
    The year total accumulated radiation dose from March 12, 2011 to March 11, 2012 is estimated to 313.9 milliSv.
    This value is very dangerous to human beings living in the area.

    1) The feature of the Fukushima NPP's accident is what the multiple reactors are damaged and continued for over one month, and the end of the accident cannot be seen till now.
    2) The long period of the Fukushima's accident will occur the fear of the increase of the accumulated radiation dose.
    3) The contamination of the soil and the water will give the various influence of the everyday life of the citizens.
    4) There is not any decisive solutions on the Fukushima's accident till now. The increase of radiation dose will be continued for a while.

    From Tokyo,
    Greatly thanks for the warm and active aids from all over the world,
    With the deepest relief.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP Accident Report
    April 14, 2011, 11:00 p.m.

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio

    1) In April 13 at FNPP No.4 Machine, spent fuel rods pool's temperature went up to 90 degree Celsius.The ordinary temperature is 40 degree Celsius.
    The reason of rising is not unknown.
    The radioactive dose of the pool's surface is 84 milli Sv / hour.
    No. 4 machine has 1,331 spent fuel rods.
    The situation is rather problematic.
    2) In April 14 at FNPP No.3 machine,reactor's water temperature went up 250 degree Celsius from 170 degree before yesterday.
    The reason of rising is unknown.
    3) Radioactive substance's level 7 of INES was recognized at the point of March 15 ~ 17.
    The recognition was done by the observation of the hydrogen explosion and fire of March 12 ~ 15, a governmental officer said officially.
    The saying was done at April April 12, evening.
    4) Shiitake mushroom producing in open ground was prohibited to send the market of Japan, declared April 13 by the government. The prohibited producing areas are 5 cities, 8 towns and 3villages of Fukushima prefecture.

    1) The influence of spreading radioactivity is becoming gradually heavy and hard, especially agriculture, fishery and food markets in mainly north-east Japan.
    2) The recovery of accident is not progressing to the good direction. The reason exists in the high radioactivity of the accidental area of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

  • Akio TANAKA

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP, Accident Report
    April 15, 2011, 9:45 p.m.

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio

    1) The radioactivity of the well waters near the FNPP's No.2 machine is what Iodine 131 is 610 bq / cc. The value is 17 times April 6's 36 Bq / cc. The reason is unknown.
    2) The temperature of No.3's reactor inside is 170 degree Celsius of April 12, 200 degree of April 13 and 250 degree of April 14. The reason is unknown.
    3) The trench's depth of FNPP is 91 cm. There emerges the fear of the flowing over. If so, again strong contaminated water will be flowed out to the Pacific Ocean.

    The present situation of FNPP is almost unknown. But the data detected is not good for the recovery work.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP, Accident Report
    April 17, 2011, 8:30 p.m.

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio

    Special thanks to
    Diana Doerr
    For unchangeable assistance

    [Present recovery work]
    Falling down the temperature of the No.1, No.2 and No.3 reactors to under 100 degree Celsius.
    It is called " cool temperature stopping" situation.
    -Present situation-
    The temperature of the reactors
    No. 1 about 200 degree Celsius
    No. 2 about 100~ 150 degree Celsius
    No. 3 about 100~ 150 degree Celsius
    -Present process-
    1) Pour water into the Reactor Pressure Vessel
    2) Hydrogen occurrence in the Vessel
    3) Pour nitrogen into the vessel to prevent the explosion of the vessel
    4) Nitrogen leaks from the vessel that was damaged by the accident
    -Near future-
    The effective recovery works are not seen till now.
    Inevitable object is the construction of the continuous-keeping cooling system.
    But by the high-density radioactivity all the works cannot be done smoothly.

    [Radioactive contamination]
    34 km east offshore in the Pacific Ocean
    -Cesium 137- 180 Bq / litter about 2 times legal limit value
    -Iodine 131- 161 Bq / litter about 4 times legal limit value
    Two detected values are the maximum at this area.
    Near the Getting Water Gate of No.2 machine of FNPP
    -Cesium 137-
    April 14 370 times legal limit value
    April 15 1,400 times legal limit value
    -Iodine 131-
    April 14 1,100 times legal limit value
    April 15 6,500 times legal limit value

    [Accumulated radiation dose]
    From March 23 to April 15
    Akaugi, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture ( Northwest 30 km from the FNPP)
    17.01 Milli Sv / 24 days
    9.85 Milli Sv / 24 days
    Legal limit value of accumulated radiation dose
    1 Milli Sv / 365 days

    [Present Summary]
    FNPP's inside has high density radioactivity.
    Recovery works are not going well by the radioactivity.
    Radioactive contamination is increasing on in the Pacific Ocean.
    Radiation dose of the near-FNPP villages is increasing on.

    [TANAKA 's commentary]
    FNPP is in the hard situation for not-controlling the temperature of the reactors.
    Recovery works are hindered by the high density radiation in the FNPP.

  • グエン。ヌー タック 5y

    We never lose,keep your dream!

  • Akio TANAKA 

    グエン。ヌー タック 
    Dear Bluesky.2912
    Thanks greatly for your sincerity for us. We are still going toward the hope.

  • Akio TANAKA (deleted) 


    In spite of staying in the Easter season, you are steadily sending me the fine data and analyzed news sources on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident. Many many thanks to you.

    In your effort, I can renew the data and news as soon as possible at the better condition.

    My related site SEKINAN PHOTO is a tiny one, but a few friends always encourage me that it is a precious one and keep on writing.
    In fact, the site’s value is greatly owed by your endeavor.
    It is my pleasure and perhaps also the reader’s pleasure.

    The accident present state is in a harsh and difficult situation. The control of the reactors almost absolutely cannot be started for the high level radioactive contaminated substances in the plant’s inside.

    Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, has started the investigation of the inside of FNPP using the US-made robot. The gathered data are very difficult conditions to recovery works.
    For example, in the No.2 machine,
    RADIATION IS 1,000 milliSv PER HOUR.
    Temperature is 40 degree Celsius and the moisture is 94~99 %.
    In the conditions, workers cannot keep any healthy situations absolutely.

    And in the No1, No.2 and No.3 machine areas, high level contaminated water is now about 69,000 tons remained and every day the volume is increasing about 480 tons/ day.

    TEPCO declared at the press meeting that the basic work for recovery will be over in the three months. But the realization of the declaration seemed to be rather difficult keeping the workers’ healthy conditions, evaluated by the researchers.

    Nevertheless we are still standing at the far- seeing recovery hope.
    Your effort is always encouraging me and all the readers of our related sites.
    Repeatedly saying the maximum thanks to you and your surrounding.

    From the deepest

    April 19, 2011
    From Tokyo
    TANAKA Akio

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP, Accident Report
    April 19, 2011, 9:30 p.m. Japan Standard Time, JST

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio
    Tokyo, Japan

    Assisted by
    DOERR Diana

    FNPP inside has high level radiation. So correct data needed for recovery work is never gotten till now.
    April 18, at first robot entered the inside and gathered the basic data for hereinafter recovery work.
    The robot's name is "Packbot" made by Bedford , Mass,company in the USA.

    [No. 2 machines]
    Radiation 1,000 milliSv / hour
    Temperature 40 degree Celsius
    Moisture 94~99 %
    Ordinary people's legal limit radiation is 1 milliSv / year

    [ High level radioactive contaminated water in the FNPP]
    No. 1 machine 22,000 tons
    No. 2 machine 25,000 tons
    No. 3 machine 20,500 tons
    Total 67,500 tons
    No. 4 machine Volume unknown but 5 m depth in the room
    Trench Fulled till under 80 cm from the surface
    Furthermore for cooling the reactors, must need 480 tons / day
    These contaminated water must be sent and stocked in the some places in the FNPP.
    But the work is very hard for the vast volume.

    [Radiation dose]
    No. 2 machine's tank
    Cesium 134 160,000 Bq / Litter
    Cesium 137 150,000 Bq / Litter
    Iodine 131 4,100 Bq / Litter

    [Recovery work]
    1) Safety stock of high level radioactive contaminated water
    2) Restoration of the damaged part of the reactors surrounding
    3) Restoration of heat exchangers
    4) Cooling down the reactors by the heat exchangers

    1) There is not the enough-volume spaces for the contaminated water.
    2) Restoration works are difficult by high level radiation to protecting the health conditions of the workers.

    [The present]
    Before all the works of recovery, using the robot, the data of the FNPP's inside are being gathered.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP Accident Report
    April 21, 2011, 8:00 Japan Standard Time, JST

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio
    Tokyo, Japan

    Assisted by
    Diana DOERR
    Taunus, Germany

    [Contaminated water]
    4.7 × 15th power of 10 Bq high level radioactive contaminated water was flowed out to the Pacific Ocean from April 1 to April 6. The total volume is estimated to be 520 cubic meters.
    The fact declared today, April 21.
    The radiation is 20,000 times legal limited value of the government.
    The radiation is 10,000 times Three Miles Island accident.
    The reason of flowing out is not unknown till now.

    [Contaminated fish]
    The government declared at April 20 that radioactive contaminated fish, the young fish of sand eel, gotten at the offshore of Fukushima Prefecture is prohibited to enter the market.
    The data is the below.
    April 4, at the offshore of Ibaraki Prefecture, radioactive iodine, 4080 Bq / kg
    April 13, at the offshore of Fukushima Prefecture, radioactive cesium, 12,500 Bq / kg

    [Leak of the contaminated water in the area of FNPP]
    High level radioactive contaminated water is leaking to the trench and the underground of the building of No.3 machine.
    The trench is feared by the flowing out from the surface of the trench remained 107 cm.

    [Radioactive alerting area]
    Radioactive alerting area has been established at the inside -20 km-from-FNPP area, declared the government April 21.
    People are prohibited to enter the area without the permission of the government.

    [[The present situation]]
    1) The Pacific Ocean is gradually contaminating by the radioactive contaminated water ever being flowed out.
    2) At the result of the contamination of the sea, fish being caught are also contaminating.
    3) Accumulated radiation dose is gradually increasing in the surrounding area of FNPP. So today the government prohibited to enter the inside-20 km-- area from FNPP.
    4) In the FNPP, radioactive contaminated water is leaking to the trench and underground till now. The places of the leaking sources are unknown.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Letter to a Friend, April 24, 2011

    Dear D,

    Really thanks for your sincerity to my letter to a friend on the FNPP's accident.
    In fact, In Japan the situation is not good at various fields of radiation.

    Influences to young mothers and children are the worst ones in the situations.
    In addition to the fact, more sad thing is that people almost do not know the severeness of radiation.
    National broadcast, NHK and major newspapers are almost moderate expression on the accident and radiation. They say that to tell the reality of the accident will be astonished the people of Japan. They are always saying so! It is absolutely false and lie, I think.
    The university's professors shown on the TV are also saying the accident situation from the moderate expression, for example, " Now the situation is rather stable and the recovery works are effective at the present." and so on.

    At the result, people near the plant think, " We will go back to my home" or " We will live in my hometown."
    They love their hometowns. I know the fact, but now, the situation is far bad from the safety. They are not knowing the real fact and data of the radiation.
    The TEPCO and the government sides are always saying, " We are fighting as hard as possible and the situations are going steadily well."
    There are never the scientific detailed explanations! People near the plant are too sad by not-knowing the fact, I think.

    My letter to a friend showed my contemporary thinking.
    Exactly the facts surrounding are very sad, especially to the near the plant people.
    Your mail is very kind, and I really thank to you.
    But my mind is really fine and I always thank for your Fukushima's data.
    From now on, please send me the data as same as you ever did.

    I have not written my mind's basis to you.
    My study's main theme is in the language.
    And my mind base is on the Buddhism.
    I learned the Japanese history of ideas and thoughts in my 30s-old times.
    My teacher was K. He had studied the Japanese history and Buddhism at the Historical Institute of a University.
    He was one of the typical researchers of the Japanese history and Buddhism in the post-war times.

    His 3-volume collective papers are published from a University. I added partly for the editing work of the collective papers.

    I had visited Nara, the old metropolis of Japan (AD 710- AD 794) several times with my teacher K.
    In Nara we looked at many images of Buddha and Buddhism Temples.
    Nara's favorite season is probably in the winter. Calm and solemn in the city and temples.
    My favorite temple is Todaiji Temple.
    K researched the textures of old Buddhism at the Todaiji Temple, one of the largest temples of old Japan, in the post-war times.
    I frequently heard his memory in his study room.

    To Todaiji Temple I several times visited by myself.
    I loved Nara and old Japan's thinking.

    Dear D,
    I am all right in this hard situation in Japan.
    My mind is also fine in this hard situations.
    My mind basis is in the Japanese traditional Buddhism thinking.

    Probably our ancestors had overcome the hardship of their times.
    Fukushima's radiation is exactly the first experience in the history of Japan.
    But I strongly hope that through the narrow road we can get the solution of the hardship.

    Please send me your fine data, unchallengeable style as you have done ever.
    It is the great pleasure and precious thing for me and my reports' readers.

    Repeatedly thanks to you from my deepest.

  • Akio TANAKA

    Letter to a friend that read my reports
    April 25, 2011

    Thanks N, you are always encouraging me. My work is very very tiny and in my thought maybe have much false. But as in your saying, I do my work for the reality I have felt till now. I decide my report’s thinking from the data with the aiding many friends on the earth. I do not work for any authorities, TEPCO and the government. My work is at the side of the mothers, children,older and all the thinking- hometown people.
    You are my important friend.
    From the deepest in my mind.

  • Akio TANAKA

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident Report
    April 24, 2011, 11:30 JST(Japan Standard Time)

    Written by TANAKA Akio

    Assisted by
    Diana DOERR

    [Basic recognition]
    By the recommendations from the International Commission on Radiological Protection,
    the legal limit for radiation exposure to the public is
    1 mSv a year.

    [Amount of radioactive substances]
    From March 11 to March 15
    About 190,000 teraBq (Radioactive iodine conversion)
    This amount reached the level 7 of INES accident evaluation standard till the night of March 15, Japan Nuclear Safety Committee declared.

    [Accumulated radiation dose]
    Accumulated radiation dose has exceeded 20 mSv at Namie Town from March 23 to April 22, Fukushima Prefecture, declared the official side.
    This one-month's amount is 20 times the legal limit of the ordinary people's year accumulated radiation dose.

    [Children's legal limit of radiation dose]
    The government decided that the legal limit of children's radiation dose is 3.8 microSv / hour.
    By the decision, the year's accumulated dose become about 20 mSv / year.
    This amount is regarded as about the nuclear workers legal limit of Europe, for example Germany.

    [Legal limit of Japan's nuclear workers]
    Before Fukushima's accident 100 mSv / year
    After Fukushima's accident, suddenly changed 250 mSv / year
    250 mSv / year is the amount by which apparent symptom of disease appear.

    [[ Summary]]
    1) In Japan, accumulated radiation dose is already reached the clearly very severe level from the children to the nuclear workers.
    2) Japan's legal limit is so higher than the international standard, for example, the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP, Accident Report
    April 28, 2011, 11:30 p.m.

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio

    Assisted by
    Diana DOERR

    FNPP's radiation accumulation is gradually spread and deepened in various areas.
    The influence is in more and more severe situation.

    [Accumulated radiation dosage]
    30 km from the FNPP
    One month from March 23 to April 23
    Akaugi, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture-20.70 mSv
    Nagadoro, Iitate Village, Fukushima Prefecture-11.88 mSv
    The ordinary people's one year's legal limit accumulated radiation dosage -1 mSv / year.

    [Soil's radiation]
    About 50 km from the FNPP
    Koriyama City, Fukushima City, Nihonmatsu City and Hongu City
    Radiation dosage of the school ground is 3.3~3.9 microSv / hour above 1 cm from the ground.
    If this value continue, the year's total will become about 33 mSv.
    The ordinary people's one year's legal limit accumulated radiation dosage -1 mSv / year.
    This value is equal or over with the legal limit of the school gound's radiation dosage.
    In Koriyama City, 28 institutions were decided to removed the soil of the institutions.

    [Air's radioactive substance]
    Iodine 131 in the air
    4 km northwest from the FNPP
    Futaba Town, Fukushima Prefecture
    310 Bq / cube meter
    This value is 62 times legal limit.

    [Soil's radioactive substance]
    Cesium 137
    4 km northwest from the FNPP
    Futaba Town, Fukushima Prefecture
    380,000 Bq / kg
    This value is 76 times legal limit of soil's radioactive substances.

    [Summary at the present]
    Accumulated radiation dosage has become more and more severe situations.
    People living in the about 30 km area from the FNPP's health are now very fearful level til now.
    For example, at Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture located in 30 km from the FNPP, has about 20 mSv per one month.
    If this dosage be kept in a year, people living in the town will be exposed over 200 mSv / year
    This value is very fearful for the ordinary people that are legal limited under 1 mSv / year.

  • Akio TANAKA

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident Report
    April 30, 2011, 7:30 Japan Standard Time (JST)

    Written by
    TANAKA Akio

    Assisted by
    Diana DOERR

    KOSAKO Toshiso, the Cabinet Secretariat Counselor and the Professor of Tokyo University , resigned his Cabinet work for the government's " making little of the laws and legals and laws and doing on the spur of the moment".
    Especially at the press meeting , he said,
    He also said,
    Professor KOSAKO's specialty is radiation safety study."

    [Accumulated radiation of 30 km within the circle]
    From March 23 to April 27 according to the accumulated radiation dosimeter established by the Ministry of ECSS.
    Akaugi, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture- 22. 51 mSv
    Nagadoro, Iitate Village , Fukushima Prefecture- 12.84 mSv

    [Air's radiation dosage]
    From the FNPP
    About 30 km
    Akaugi, Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture-17.5 microSv / hour
    About 50 km
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture-1.50 microSv / hour
    About 100 km
    Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture-0.18 microSv / hour
    About 130 km
    Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture-0.21 microSv / hour
    About 150 km
    Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture-0.15 microSv / hour
    If this value keep at each area, the accumulated radiation dosage per year will be the below.
    Akaugi, Namie-153 mSv
    Koriyama-13 mSv
    Aizuwakamatsu-1.6 mSv
    Nikko-1.8 mSv
    Tsukuba- 1.3 mSv

    [Summary at the present]
    International Committee of Radiation Protection, ICRP has decided the legal limit per year of the accumulated radiation dosage is 1 mSv / year for the ordinary people.
    At the case of the FNPP's accident,
    about 150 km apart from the FNPP, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture's accumulated radiation dosage per year will become 1.3 mSv if the present dosage keep the same level.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Please see the video of animals.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    International Committee of Radiation Protection, ICRP's limit radiation dosage of the ordinary people is 0.11 microSv / hour.
    Fukushima City, 63 km from the FNPP is the maximum 97.39 microSv / hour at April 24, 2011.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Newly radiation leaks has been suspected at Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant, TNPP, Fukui Prefecture in May 2, officially declared.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Last chance for animals.

  • Akio TANAKA 

    Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP, Accident News
    May 8, 2011
    TANAKA Akio

    TBS Broadcasting, Japan has begun to send the live image of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, FNPP from May 2, 2011.
    The image is being sent all the times, 24 hours, not any editing.

    Please see the site / SEKINAN PHOTO/.

    May 8, midnight about 2:00~2:30 Japan Standard Time, JST.
    At FNPP, rather large smokes occurred from the buildings. 
    The reason is unknown till now.
    Any information has not be presented from the government and TEPCO.
    The fear that maybe be spread the new radioactive substances are remaining.
    The situation now is calmed and the smokes are not seen.
    May 8, 2011, 1:00 p.m. JST.

East Japan Great Earthquake, 11 March 2011

Recorded by グエン。ヌー タック's Flickr site,  for whom the deepest thanks.

Akio TANAKA.  13 April 2016. 
Be strong Japan...


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